
Light Trace Performance

FireTrace is a unique technology for analysis and evaluation of a diamond's light reflection. In a matter of seconds, the system illustrates a graphic image of the upper and lower sections of the diamond as well as the amount of light reflection projected from the geometrical shape of the diamond.


These leading companies rely on FireTrace technology:

       THE 3 FACTORS


Describes the refractions and reflections of white light coming from the diamond in "face-up" position. Brightness is created primarily when light enters through the table, reaches the pavilion facets and is then reflected back out through the table, where the light is most visible to your eyes.


Describes the fiery, rainbow color flashes emanating from the diamond. This is white light broken-up into the colors of the spectrum.


Describes the refraction and reflection of the light that flashes on and off as the diamond, the observer or lighting move.

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